Our facilitators have significant experience of designing, facilitating and/or MCing events and ceremonies. Our work has ranged from strategy and business planning sessions for small groups and intact teams, to whole organisation or industry conferences over multiple days.
We prefer to be involved at the earliest stage of development, so that we can gain a deep understanding of your aims and circumstances and then help you to storyboard the event so that it has impact as a coherent whole.
Recent Projects
Our recent Facilitation projects include:
- We recently designed and facilitated a large-scale dialogic process (based around 'open space' methodology) in order engage a large and diverse group of stakeholders to address a complex system/societal challenge.
- We recently designed and facilitated a graduation event to mark the conclusion of a national graduate management trainee scheme. This event involved the seamless transition from live surveys, to interactive discussions with senior leaders joining the conference remotely, to experiential workshops.
- We recently designed and facilitated a large 'market place' involving a variety of government agencies, service providers and voluntary community groups, aimed at helping a diverse network of expert practitioners, volunteers and community leaders to make connections, discover potential synergies and collaborate.
"[A]ll change, even very large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about." ~ Margaret J. Wheatley (2010) 'Turning to One Another'