Organisational Development

We work as process consultants to our clients: an iterative form of inquiry built on a mutual 'helping relationship'. We don't provide ready-made solutions to organisation challenges (as a traditional management consultant might). Rather, we design and facilitate processes of collaborative inquiry, leading to new organisational insight and solutions that are right for the organisation as a coherent "socio-technical" whole.


Whilst categorisations of dialogic and diagnostic OD aren't always helpful (we need both), our primary focus is on creating and facilitating the necessary channels, platforms and conditions wherein people are able to communicate authentically, establish shared interests for learning and change, generate possibilities and convert them into action.

Our approach emphasises the following elements as enablers of organisational learning and change: 

  1. Emergence: stimulating the processes of disruption and emergence to facilitate self-organising that creates new patterns that are better suited to current needs and conditions.
  2. Narrative: Changing the prevailing assumptions and narratives that currently guide (and limit) sense making and action.
  3. Generativity: Creating generative conversations that produce new ideas and actions. 

We draw upon our deep experience of working with various dialogic methods to support our clients-organisations change and development goals (e.g. Open Space, World cafe, Appreciative Inquiry, Deep Facilitation, Experience Based Co-design, etc). And we work closely with organisational sponsors to help them to nurture these approaches and the ideas and patterns produced by them.

Recent projects

Our recent OD projects include:

  • Culture change
  • Post-merger integration 
  • Organisational values
  • Strategic planning
  • Talent management

"Control and surrender have to be kept in balance. That's what surfers do - take control of the situation, then be carried, then take control. In the last few thousand years, we've become incredibly adept technically. We've treasured the controlling part of ourselves and neglected the surrendering part." ~ Brian Eno